在一整面四层楼高的玻璃幕墙背后,藏着一栋颇有年代感的“老楼房”。斑驳的墙面,拼贴的店招甚至是阳台上晾的被单都和周围的现代化城市形成了极致的 对比。
Hidden behind a flour-story-tall glass facade,there stands a building which seems have gone through the baptism of time. The mottled wall and motage of signs on the facade make it flairly distinctive from its modern surroundings.
Wenheyou,a restaurant brand from Changsha, succeded in persuading 25 local special snacks into gathering here in one building, a very worldly magic market. It serves as a machince that evokes people's memory or rather, a utopian escape away from the modern metropolis.
No.75 Tianhe East Rd., Guanzhou City.
右图图片来源:新浪微博@LeungKwongNing https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/716c9285gy1ggplzxrcxnj228w3404qs.jpg
上图图片来源:腾讯街景形式在一整面四层楼高的玻璃幕墙背后,藏着一栋颇有年代感的“老楼房”。斑驳的墙面,拼贴的店招甚至是阳台上晾的被单都和周围的现代化城市形成了极致的 对比。空间来自长沙的餐饮品牌“文和友”,说服25家广州本地小吃聚集在这里,并为他们打造了一座极具烟火气的魔幻市井,让人们找回了童年的记忆,抑或只是从这摩登都市里短暂逃离的乌托邦。地址广州市天河区天河东路75号。FORMHidden behind a flour-story-tall glass facade,there stands a building which seems have gone through the baptism of time. The mottled wall and motage of signs on the facade make it flairly distinctive from its modern ,a restaurant brand from Changsha, succeded in persuading 25 local special snacks into gathering here in one building, a very worldly magic market. It serves as a machince that evokes people's memory or rather, a utopian escape away from the modern Tianhe East Rd., Guanzhou City.右图图片来源:新浪微博@LeungKwongNing https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/716c9285gy1ggplzxrcxnj228w3404qs.jpg
文章来源:《广东蚕业》 网址: http://www.gdcyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0208/569.html